Paul Marc Rousseau:



My mission is to empower musicians and songwriters to unleash their creative potential and thrive in the music industry. Drawing from my years of experience in production, songwriting, and touring, I aim to guide aspiring artists through every stage of their journey, from crafting their sound to navigating the complexities of the industry.

About Me

With over a decade of experience in music production, songwriting, and touring, I've collaborated with top artists and honed my craft in the studio and on stage. Whether you're aiming to perfect your songwriting, enhance your live performance, or navigate the music industry, I'm here to share insights and techniques to help you succeed.

  • Guitarist, Songwriter, Producer, Mentor

  • Songwriting, Arrangement, Touring Guidance, Live Performance

  • Professional Musician for Over a Decade with Silverstein

    • Crafting Lyrics and Hooks

    • Improving Songwriting Workflow

    • Navigating the Music Industry

    • Touring Survival Tips

FAQs for 1-1 Sessions

What can I expect from a 1-1 session with PAUL?

Expect a personalized exploration of songwriting and industry insights from Paul. With years of experience, he offers tailored advice on refining your songs, overcoming creative blocks, and navigating the music industry. Paul's session will provide strategies and tips to enhance your songwriting journey.

How long is each session, and what is the format?

Each session lasts 60 minutes, conducted via video call. It includes personalized discussion, Q&A, and analysis tailored to your songwriting goals and challenges.

Is there any preparation required before the session?

To maximize your session with Paul, prepare a list of goals, questions, or specific challenges you're facing. Sharing songwriting samples or ideas in advance will facilitate a more focused discussion.

Can PAUL review my work during the session?

Yes, Paul can review your songs, songwriting techniques, or recordings during the session. Providing these materials beforehand allows for a detailed critique and targeted feedback.